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Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật 2
Dragon® Dictate Medical for Mac® is a flexible speech recognition solution that enables the clinician to quickly capture comprehensive clinical documentation while spending more time on what matters – their patients. Dragon Dictate Medical for Mac streamlines documentation workflow by allowing clinicians to dictate appointment and medical record notes directly into their EHR, such as MacPractice, as well as easily turn audio recordings into text. In addition, clinicians can dictate and edit documents, or control their Mac all by voice within popular web, email and desktop applications such as Microsoft Office or Gmail. Dragon Dictate Medical for Mac’s accurate speech recognition adapts to the user’s voice and words, with customizable vocabulary and commands and an easy-to-use interface. Spend less time typing and more time with patients to improve patient satisfaction, practice volume and profitability.
Kho hàng: Có hàng
Giá: Liên hệ

Dragon® Dictate for Mac® is the ultimate productivity tool that enables you to save time and get more done. Dictate, edit, transcribe and control your computer all by using your voice. Dragon’s accurate speech recognition, customizable capabilities, easy-to-use interface and full transcription flexibility means you get more done — at home, school or work — quickly and accurately. Accurate and fast speech recognition, plus versatile transcription capabilities all in one.

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Giá: Liên hệ
Tổng số 2 Sản phẩm
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